Hotel Napolitano i Santo Domingo

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Dominikanske republikHotel Napolitano



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Avenida George Washington 51 esq. calle Numero, Santo Domingo 10208, Dominikana
kontakter telefon: +1 809-687-1131
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4665129, Longitude: -69.8915776

kommentar 5

  • es

    Leidy Cardenas


    Excelente atención y servicio! Muy buena comida . Habitaciones cómodas y limpias , cerca de la zona colonial. Su personal es de diez estrellas realmente 😊

  • Meidos De Jesús

    Meidos De Jesús


    Es un Bello Hotel de 3 estrellas, ubicado en el mismo corazón del Malecón, tiene la opción de poder ir a su restaurante y pasar un buen rato con su menú y buenas atenciones, así como también el Day Pass que es barato en comparación con otros Hoteles afines! Pensé que la piscina era más grande, porque en fotos se veía enorme pero en realidad no lo era tanto 🤣

  • Excursion Today

    Excursion Today


    recently was on a business trip in this hotel. I liked the view from the hotel to the friendly staff. But there are also disadvantages of breakfast I did not really like because the choice was very small. As for sound insulation: I would say that it is almost there. I wanted to rest during the day but I was not given the repair that was being carried out over my head. There are small problems with air conditioning. But what would remain for one night you can

  • Mário Ferreira

    Mário Ferreira


    The bedrooms where just ok. Breakfast was nice and I liked The “terrazza“ for a beer watching the caribean sea. Good for a short stay. Expect three star quality. If you want more luxury there are plenty of hotels in the same avenue. Check for Jaragua

  • Julio Urena

    Julio Urena


    Location! Location! Location! Very well located. Beautiful ocean views. Only stayed here for a night but it was very comfortable. I would not hesitate to stay here again. Room was spacious and quite considering all the street level noise the Malecon offers. Yes there are more luxurious places you can stay in Santo Domingo, but at this price point you can’t go wrong.

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