Almacenes Unidos i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikAlmacenes Unidos



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Autopista Duarte km. 6 1/2, Avenida John F. Kennedy, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-472-6911
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4833042, Longitude: -69.9456354

kommentar 5

  • Josué Polanco

    Josué Polanco


    Everything you need and great prices




    You can found everything that you need!!! I love it

  • Carlos Mayers

    Carlos Mayers


    A very nice shopping/problem solving experience. :-)

  • Jose Valenzuela

    Jose Valenzuela


    Apparently still remodeling. I got what I needed though. The guys at the plumbing area are very skilled and willing to help. I bought a water pump for my house, and they helped me put it together with every single piece and part needed, plus we looked at all the possible setups and reached the best possible. On top of that, the prices are quite accessible. This is no high end store, like Ferretería Americana, what you will find here are good products at great prices, and amazing service to help you come home with what you need. Note that if you purchase something that you won't need after all, they will not accept returns in exchange for your money back. You may, however, take those things back in exchange for store credit. All in all, best hardware store near my house.

  • en

    Mario Ortiz Bobea


    They do have good prices and a large variety of products. Not always the best quality though. But definitely a place to visit if you are doing home repairs or need hardware.

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