Bella Italia i Santo Domingo

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Dominikanske republikBella Italia



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Calle Angel Severo Cabral, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-793-9580
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.473478, Longitude: -69.944121

kommentar 5

  • Gabriela



    I've tried their pizza in three different locations, and the two times I've gone to this particular location I come out a bit disappointed. Don't get me wrong, they have a good product, it's just that it isn't as good as I remembered. They are priced (HIGH) as other pizzerias but have an inferior product, so it becomes a bit of a struggle for me to buy this pizza, when I can get a better one for the same price. That said, the last time I went I ordered a margherita. Sauce, mozzarella, and basil. Simple right? Except that there was barely any basil on it. Don't call something by a name that implies something specific and then have the "chef" come out to tell me that they use little basil, just as decoration. Perfect, but that's not a traditional margherita. Sighs, this is becoming too long. Bottom line is, there's better pizza for this same price.

  • Octavio Landolfi

    Octavio Landolfi


    The pizzas are good enough. My main issue is that the waitresses don’t know much about the other food on the menu, and have been unable to explain certain things of the menu in two different occasions. It is my third favorite pizza place in the city.

  • Mariangela Perez

    Mariangela Perez


    Desde que estoy en Santo Domingo JAMÁS me había comido unas pizzas tan exquisitas. No solo por el hecho de que no tienen el típico sabor de la franquicia que me aburre tanto que no puedo pasar del 2do trozo... acá me puedo comer 6 trozos y quedar con ganas de más! Desde que entré me sentí en Italia con un ambiente relajado y cordial entre sus dueños. Ya no tengo que ir a otro lugar! Y ahora que se mudan a un lugar mejor y con más variedad más me anoto. EXCELENTE!!

  • Agent 37

    Agent 37


    Fantastic pizza. Must try.

  • en

    Pablo Santos


    Great pizza.

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