Esmeralda Guest House i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikEsmeralda Guest House



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Elvira de Mendoza 151, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-221-5354
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.463231, Longitude: -69.911004

kommentar 5

  • Laurie M.

    Laurie M.


    Superb hostel!!!!!!!!! Worth the price People are very nice here and very helpful. Also in a great area where you can go to restaurants, bus termimals, shop easily by walk. I would definitely recommend it.

  • en

    Rita Ortiz


    roaches, spotty WiFi, friendly staff, good breakfast, lunch and dinner

  • David



    I like the restaurant/bar in the lobby were great... I actually like the stairs going to the top floor, it was good exercise. I also really liked all of the fish in the lobby! I also had some good conversation at the bar. Overall, I would definitely visit this hotel again. The hot water shower was not that hot but not many hotels actually have hot water so I was not surprised. Just there were some really cold evenings... and as a foreigner from a northern country, I am accustomed to hot water.

  • Stanley Montperousse

    Stanley Montperousse


    Not too bad for vacation times. Nice people. They failed to clean my room, had to tell the nice lady at the front desk.

  • Cinco Ocho

    Cinco Ocho


    Excellent mid class hotel for business people. The management speaks several languages.

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