FedEx World Service Center i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikFedEx World Service Center



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Ave de los Proceres Esq Erick Leonard Ekman, Arroyo Hondo, Santo Domingo, Dominikana
kontakter telefon: +1 809-565-3636
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4882166, Longitude: -69.9432687

kommentar 5

  • la chispa

    la chispa


    Excelentes muy buenos

  • en

    Elizabeth Gonzalez


    DO NOT USE TO SHIP TO THE DR.If I could give a 0 I would. Never ship internationally with them. They have no idea on how to manage international shipments and customs processes. I shipped 10 boxes through a company and despite having all the paperwork for release, Fedex didn't even bother to contact me to tell me about the delay, neither did they update the page until I had to send someone to physically go to their office in FL to get an answer. When you call the agents can't even give you the number to the customs department, nor provide you with the items customs requests or the information of where you need to call to obtain information about your shipment. I had to call 2 different costumes offices because they held the shipment twice. After 30 phone calls, more than 40 hours spent on my own we got the equipment released two weeks later, NEXT DAY DELIVERY...yeah right. $5,+ dollars paid and absolutely no response or call from Fedex. DHL all the way, at least they know the number to costumes where their own packages are held.

  • es

    Leonardo Martinez


    Un super servicio de puerta a puerta

  • es

    Eggy Rocha


    Son unos ladrones ,pague 20,000 pesos por un envío y no me llenado. Los papeles bn y perdí el dinero y no me enviaron el paquete y para devolverlo tuve k esperar casi 3 meses

  • Jane Diaz

    Jane Diaz


    The FedEx staff in Santo Domingo are the most incompetent people I’ve ever met. When they call you, make a note of their names, have them spell out their name and keep a record of any conversations you had. You will find that everyone will give you different information and in the end, nobody will be held accountable. So forget I said anything. Are they in cahoots with the government to extort you with exorbitant import taxes? I wouldn’t doubt it. They never delivered my order, I had to go to customs office twice to figure out what’s actually going on. On the way in and on the way out, I saw at least two other people with similar problems. Just spare yourself the nightmare and don’t use them.

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