Hotel Las Palmeras Sosua i Sosúa

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Dominikanske republikHotel Las Palmeras Sosua



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Doctor Rosen, 57000, Sosúa, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-571-2662
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.763939, Longitude: -70.513843

kommentar 5

  • tim moulton

    tim moulton


    Great place to stay if you like to party! Can't beat it. Most customers are repeat customers like me. Great staff.

  • Philip Anthony

    Philip Anthony


    Awesome little hotel. Right in the heart of all the cultural activities. All day breakfast served. Lots of hot water. Shower and toilet like home. Plush towels and comfortable bed ... and Obe is a great host who speaks English fluently.

  • Brian Gerber

    Brian Gerber


    Las Palmeras is well located near all the transportation, restaurants, bars, supermarket, Pharmacies etc.. The beach is about a 12 minute walk. The hotel owner is very helpful and speaks english. The rooms have refrigerators, Wifi and are comfortable. There is a small pool And restaurant. Las Palmeras is a good choice.

  • P. Goodlixx

    P. Goodlixx


    I like staying here when I come to Sosua. It's in walking distance of everything you need (supermarket, pharmacy, Metro Bus Station, Clasico disco, restaurants, and bars and has a restaurant and pool, too). The rooms are nice and inexpensive and the management that speaks English and Spanish are very helpful.

  • matthew bridge

    matthew bridge


    Great staff, clean room, cleaning service everyday, extremely affordable. I will definitely stay here again very close to main strip in town overnight security is on point and approachable I had the room with the kitchen so I was able to cook on my own as well for at least one meal a day

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