KAFFE i Puerto Plata

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikKAFFE



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Calle Profesor Juan Bosch, 57000, Puerto Plata, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-261-3440
internet side: www.facebook.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 19.7984546, Longitude: -70.6926386

kommentar 5

  • tracy ring

    tracy ring


    Wonderful colonial building filled with antiques and artwork. Lovely courtyard for lunch or dinner. Pastas, sandwiches, appetizers...great drinks. Menu in Spanish.

  • Clair Robertson

    Clair Robertson


    Wonderful restaurant in old Town Puerto Plata a short stroll from the town square. Multiple charming spaces inside and out where you can enjoy a meal. The staff are friendly and attentive. The award winning Sangria is delicious and the food is superb

  • Daniel Lay

    Daniel Lay


    One of my favorite coffee shops on the planet! Amazing staff, delicious options. Great atmosphere. So chill. Only one block off the main square in Puerto Plata. With the upcoming addition of the new port, keep an eye out on your cuises.

  • Mason Ray White

    Mason Ray White


    Kaffe is easily one of my favorite spots to visit in Puerto Plata. The food is great, the coffee is INCREDIBLE (I always go with a simple iced coffee because it’s affordable and tasty), and the atmosphere is perfect for anyone looking for a peaceful spot. Staff is very attentive and kind. Don’t hesitate to come here!

  • Shawn Payne

    Shawn Payne


    Great place to just relax and shut the world out. Nice decor and attention. Outside seating in the garden. Private and quite romantic. Owners are engaging and friendly. Service is good and menu clear and precise.

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