La Barrica Sport Bar i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikLa Barrica Sport Bar



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Calle José Amado Soler, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-334-5803
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4786733, Longitude: -69.9372524

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jacky De leon


    We come on vacation for the first time, the hotel staff recommended this place. Unfortunately our experience was not good. The waiter did no have any ability to deal with the costumer. I ask for a few drink and he was not sure that I was asking and when I explain again when star getting more rude. Finally my friend as for couple drinks and was not even closed. Music was good 😊 and the environment was great so sad for the place!

  • Eric Montalvo

    Eric Montalvo


    nice environment place, good music, but slow service with waiters (they take forever to help you with drinks)

  • Yumawil Pena

    Yumawil Pena


    Average prices, all kind of music, good environment, service i good, becomes slow if place is crowded.

  • en

    Hardy Ros


    Good Dj music. Good place to dance and have a drink or talk in the outdoor tables

  • Bless Trips

    Bless Trips


    The service is not the best and they ask for dress code. It's not possible to go with shorts even though you are wering shoes and shirt, you have to stay inthe out site area. I don't recommend this place for people who wants to have a go time there are other better places in the city.

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