Supermercados Nacional El Millon i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikSupermercados Nacional El Millon



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Av. Núñez de Cáceres Esq. Guarocuya, Ens. El Millón, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-363-0888
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4594293, Longitude: -69.9560019

kommentar 5

  • Miosotys Iglesias

    Miosotys Iglesias


    Fui a la cafeteria por comida, oh my God... La piña dañada y el lasagna hecha con jamoneta de untar Horrible

  • en

    Laura Hiciano


    One of the best supermarkets in the Dominican Republic. They have a lot of different products and a lot of people around to help. Prices are good and the quality of the products too. They have the food club brand which is the supermarket brand and is good and affordable. Usually busy so it might take you a more than 10 minutes to be in and out.

  • en

    RT MR


    Small with huge parking lot crammed but with lots of products for the cost of the operations and the revenues of a long time business like this the should be able to expand the size of this supermarket!

  • en

    Francisco martinez marcano


    Excellent supermarket and excellent service.. friendly employees and I lot of parking lot

  • Monika Gomez

    Monika Gomez


    Just as any of their branches, the best place in the city to get quality meat cuts and delicious freshly made bread. The supermarket is well stocked and it has a farmacy, a hardware store, an ice cream shop, a cafeteria with ready-made quick meals and several banks.

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