ART. Gallery i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikART. Gallery



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Serrallés, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 829-619-4367
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Latitude: 18.4794996, Longitude: -69.9353688

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christina Noya


    Impressive-Impressive-Impressive; Miguel Grillo was born in Caracas in 1983 and is an architect and graduate of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the Central University of Venezuela. Though a relatively young artist in the art world, he is the founder of the artistic movement FAUHAUS and the photographic and audiovisual producer for the creative works of Pancho Quilici at the exhibition, TRAS CARACAS, 2009 in La Torre de la Previsora, Fundación La Previsora. His works are vibrant, illusory and brilliant in their examination of shape, form, and shape in the world. Modern and sleek, an excellent addition to any collection. Now exhibiting through March 2018 at the ART Santo Domingo.

  • david haller

    david haller


    An awesome outlay of artwork. Exhibiting artists include Daniel Sanseveiro; a designer and illustrator, Migdalia Salazar; painter and fashion designer as well as world-class photographer, Miguel Grillo; architect and founder of the movement FAUHAUS, and Ramon Aular; a globe-trotting artist who has worked extensively throughout the globe. Admirers and collectors are now invited to view works available at the ART.Gallery.

  • en

    Milagros Flores


    This gallery has an impressive display of modern and contemporary art. I fell in love with Migdalia Salazar, and she is a Venezuelan-born dreamer. Since childhood, she has carried within her spirit a thirst for travel, adventure, and art. Her passions of the sea and nature draw her to work with any media of art. Her work represents vivid colors, natural elements, and fluidity of the motion of existence. She says, “My exploration intends to transform the record and presentation of everyday life.” Her works are now on display at ART. Gallery through February 2018.

  • en

    Brett Haller


    An exciting exhibition brought together curator Edward De Valle, and various Venezuelan artists living abroad is now on display at the ART. Gallery; Santo Domingo; Dominican Republics only contemporary art gallery. Now through January 31st, 2018. The curator and group of artists aim to represent and highlight spirit, time and renaissance of art, literature, and learning in the post-Chavez era.

  • E B

    E B


    This week on December 13th, 2018 if you're lucky you will be able to meet face to face with Daniel Sanseverino. He is no stranger to working with form and shape. His latest works are now available at the ART. Gallery. Sanseverino, a versatile artist who has studied everything from goldsmith to human anatomy drawing, is offering guests of the gallery a unique collection that reflects the idea of form, shape, and color. His works are vibrant, vivid and at the same time rigid in shape offering a unique juxtaposition of ideas surrounding emotional senses when viewing his works.

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