Barceló Santo Domingo i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikBarceló Santo Domingo



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Avenida 27 de Febrero, 10203, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-563-5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4746017, Longitude: -69.9126833

kommentar 5

  • en

    Washington Donoso


    This hotel is ok. The thing I did not l8ke was that the room had a humidity smell l.

  • en

    dave samra


    Hello everyone i would like to share an incident that occurred at this hotel. i am giving them a chance to resolve issue. i am hoping they would resolve it. i will be back to post how they did good or did not care. i stayed in rooms 620 and 622 with friends there from may 21 to may 24 last week.

  • en

    reinaldo lopez santana


    If you are used to US standards for hotel accommodations, this is not a place for you. First, do not come early, they will charge a hefty amount to check-in early. Second if you book a regular room you will not get the best treament, instead you will be told many, many restrictions. Third, for a three day weekend they scored perfect having something missing in the room, everything looked awfully ractioned. This hotel is in just the low level of average, not bad not good either

  • Dr Josh Brower

    Dr Josh Brower


    Not enough of the staff speak English and those at the front desk were unable to find a reservation due to a lack of English. It is near a busy street, so there is a lot of road nice while sleeping. The building and rooms were in good repair.

  • Anthony Nunez

    Anthony Nunez


    Good place to stay in, good for businesses meetings and events. And the rooms have newly renovated. Parking can be a problem. Other than that it's good to visit and spend the night close to city clubs and other city attractions.

nærmeste Kasino

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