BURGER SHACK i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikBURGER SHACK



🕗 åbningstider

83, Calle Federico Geraldino, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 829-893-2360
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Latitude: 18.47903, Longitude: -69.9399962

kommentar 5

  • reyginald bonostro

    reyginald bonostro


    They’re making really great burger there! And I love the fact that you can refill your drink cup 🙂

  • Carlos Brador

    Carlos Brador


    Good bugers, good place, well priced, the menu is not that big but what they have it's good.

  • en

    Andres Blaubach


    As the stars say it, it was just okay. Although the service was good, the burgers were the same and where than good. The fries were just bad, but a good option is the wings.

  • José Soto

    José Soto


    Very good taste of everything. Even though it is a bit expensive compared to other similar placer, it has its distinctive recipe.

  • Sergio Cabrera Peña

    Sergio Cabrera Peña


    Good food, good ambience, great service! You can easily get different kind of burgers, wings, shakes, lemon iced tea, beers, sodas (no natural or artificial juices here). Their combos include some roasted cheese with other ingredients into the burger. While it adds a different flavor and experience, it doesn't make the burger waaay better. Prices are on the fancy lane.

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