Cathedral of America i Santo Domingo

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Dominikanske republikCathedral of America


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Calle Isabel La Católica, 10210, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-682-3848
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Latitude: 18.4730154, Longitude: -69.8840855

kommentar 5

  • Joanna Li

    Joanna Li


    Old cathedral very beautiful

  • Arturo Fernandez

    Arturo Fernandez


    That cathedral is the first one in the new world (America), it has more than 500 years.

  • Jose Roman

    Jose Roman


    If you come to Santo Domingo you must see the Catedral, remember it is the first Catedral build in the hole America. The Cathedral of Santa María la Menor in the Colonial Zone of Santo Domingo is dedicated to St. Mary of the Incarnation. It is the oldest cathedral in the Americas, begun in 1512 and completed in 1540

  • Joseph Scavo

    Joseph Scavo


    European style church in Santo Domingo. Shows how Christianity spread to the new world.

  • Héctor Pichardo Succart

    Héctor Pichardo Succart


    Architecture like no other, great tour at cheap cost. If you are a fan of history, you should definitely visit this place.

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