Colonial Tour and Travel i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikColonial Tour and Travel



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209, Calle Arzobispo Meriño, 10210, Santo Domingo, DO Dominikana
kontakter telefon: +1 809-688-5285
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.474048, Longitude: -69.884524

kommentar 5

  • Marille Diaz

    Marille Diaz


    Excelente servicio de gran calidad y seguridad. Recomendado al 100%/ El Sr. Miguel(conductor) muy atento y diligente en todas sus respuestas para con nosotros., Quienes viajamos por1era vez. Empl ado bien preparado y conocedor de su país Republica Dominicana. Otros compañeros muy bien preparados, muy atentos y serviciales. Colonial Tours and Trave, no dejen de coordinar viajes, excursiones etc...con ellos. 100% satisfechos

  • en

    Milo Boutique


    I book and pay a flight with Colonial Tour, but , I have no reply to my numerus emails or facebook message and I don't know if my booking really exist!! Don't book with them!!! Not sure they really exist !!

  • en

    Markus Welsch


    After my bad experience with Dominican Tours I decided that I will not drive all over the city to locate an agency offering excursions another time. The website, etc looked promising hence I visited their office. The office itself is big but the employees seem not to be very motivated to get some clients as I was being sent to the last office and upon my request which excursions are possible the same week they told me that there are none which are confirmed yet and they need at least 10 clients for each excursion to happen at all. Taking my experiences into account I decided not to waste more time and was looking for a different company. And it definately was not a communication problem as I speak spanish fluently.

  • es

    Nicauly Marte


    Excelente Agencia. Muy responsables y siempre con buenas ofertas. Ofrecen todos los servicion turisticos, Desde el tralado terrestre, hoteles y excursiones locales, boletos aereos, vuelos charter a Italia, cruceros, excursiones internacionales....en fin. Todo lo que necesites para pasar unas excelentes vacaiones. Los recimiendo mil x mil!!

  • en



    We booked a transportation service from Santo Domingo to Punta Cana and back via Colonial Tour and Travel. The service was perfect and the price reasonably cheap. I can recommend!

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