DHL Dominicana SA i Santiago De Los Caballeros

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikDHL Dominicana SA



🕗 åbningstider

11, Avenida Salvador Estrella Sadhalá, 51000, Santiago De Los Caballeros, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-241-2470
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 19.4623957, Longitude: -70.6865265

kommentar 5

  • Lo Viste Aquí.

    Lo Viste Aquí.


    Puedes enviar o recibir tus paquete desde y hasta cualquier parte del mundo de forma rápida y segura. El precio es un poco costoso.

  • Erison Henriquez

    Erison Henriquez


    Un poco lento en los procesos pero brindan seguridad y buenas atenciones

  • Stephan RD

    Stephan RD


    El personal es muy amable. Ayuda muy bien. Siempre hay agua y dulces :)




    Very upset!!! DHL delivered my package at the wrong address, days after somebody called me saying that the package was recovered and delivered to the correct address.... I was very happy at that moment but when I called the delivery address they said DHL never did the delivery there. DHL told me a name of the person who received the package and this was a lie..... After 25 days I decide to do everything on my own, I called DHL and a lady gave me the address where the package was, telling me to go by myself and pick it up .Well I did that, I friend of mine went to the address and oh surprise!!!! the package was there and nobody never went to recovered it.....the person at the place said she has the package waiting for dhl to come back and get it. Everything that DHL told me was a lie... nobody recovered the package, they lied about the name of the person that never received the package , this is incredible.....worst service ever!!!! I have my package after a month thanks to my friend!!

  • Eduardo Veras

    Eduardo Veras


    very good service

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