Dominican Tours i santo domingo DN

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikDominican Tours



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Avenida Tiradentes 3 Segundo Piso, santo domingo DN 10504, Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 829-946-3500
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.493692, Longitude: -69.929981

kommentar 5

  • Linergisa hernandez santos

    Linergisa hernandez santos


    Me encantaron los servicios y atenciones. Los recomiendo porque tienen todas las excursiones. Gracias

  • en

    Markus Welsch


    avoid and save cab $$$ I have been really impressed by the amount of excursions they do offer and set up a plan of taking the ones I am interested in. I went to the address posted here (Calle carlos perez ricart 13, Plaza Virgen, Arroyo Hondo 2, santo domingo DN 10605, Dominican Republic) during the listed office hours. I spent RD$ 400 for Ubers to the location just to find out that the office has been moved to a new location and is open only Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm. I asked them for the new address by WhatsApp and went there on Monday with an Uber ... well, we were close but they were not any signs or anything so the cab driver called them. The person responding the phone call did not even know it and promised to write a WhatsApp within 5 minutes. Of course he didn't. We drove back and even during the trip (15+ minutes later) there was no message and I doubt there will ever be one. Could have been a nice company for excursions but unfortunately not anything reliable.

  • francis ferreira

    francis ferreira


    Esa gente si saben de tours son los maximo llámenlo que tienen salida diaria para los tours

  • es

    Egrb Services


    Realize un plan de viajes en grupos de 3 dias por el sur fue excellente la coordinacion con el senor felix pimentel ahora para agosto ya tenemos nuevos siguiente plan con ellos los recomiendo son para mi los mejores del campo de turismo

  • es

    Rosa Mercado


    Mi viaje con Ellis fue expectacular fui a la saona, Santo domingo tours, bahia de las Aguila y Altos de Chavon me dieron 4 excursiones por el precios de 3 osea me salio uno totalmente gratis los precios fueron my buenos antes otra agencia que visite los recomiendo continuare viajando con ellos

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