El Agave Restaurante i Santo Domingo

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Dominikanske republikEl Agave Restaurante


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104, Avenida Lope de Vega, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-567-3232
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Latitude: 18.480435, Longitude: -69.93137

kommentar 5

  • Luis Alvarez

    Luis Alvarez


    Good price and excellent drinks

  • Norelkis Ruiz

    Norelkis Ruiz


    The food was super fresh, the staff was very friendly and a great location! 😊

  • Sarah Fiske

    Sarah Fiske


    I'm a gringa living here in SD and one thing I really miss is Mexican food. I passed a sign a other day for "tacos Mexicanos" but they were closed, and tacos haven't left my mind since. This place didn't satisfy my taco craving with its mediocre food. They don't manage to get haas avocados, and Caribbean avocados will never come close to as good. But guacamole was supplemented with tomatoes, cilantro etc. which helped the lackluster Caribbean avocados some. I didn't dislike my Tinga tacos, but I am still missing some good Mexican street tacos, real salsa verde with Serrano and tomatillo, and definitely missing that price! I gave the place 4 stars for a good attempt at Mexican, great service and a nice atmosphere. Prices also weren't bad, it is just the tax that kills you! I would recommend this place, but don't expect genuine Mexican food.

  • Ian Taylor

    Ian Taylor


    The best choice for authentic Mexican food in Santo Domingo. Service, ambience and great experience. Has a great outdoors area with trampoline and playground for kids as well.

  • en

    gloria martinez


    This place was great!! The margaritas are awesome! The prices are reasonable. Above all the staff is great and helpful. Anyone in the city should definitely make the time and check this place out!

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