El Mesón De La Cava i Santo Domingo

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Dominikanske republikEl Mesón De La Cava



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1, Avenida Mirador Sur, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-533-2818
internet side: www.elmesondelacava.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4531631, Longitude: -69.9333403

kommentar 5

  • Jose Roman

    Jose Roman


    The Restaurant Meson de la Cava opened its doors in 1967, since that time it has been one of Santo Domingo’s most popular restaurants for both Dominicans and Tourists from all over the world. It is situated in a natural lime stone cave, created millions of year ago by the waves action when the coast line hugged this cliff. The numerous caves along the cliff sheltered many different types of people through its long history. Remains of the native Taino Indians have been discovered here. Along with pirates and buccaneers who used these caves as a hideout in preparation for their frequent assaults on the city of Santo Domingo.

  • en

    Maria Lopez


    This place is amazing. Awesome atmosphere and great food. I would recommend the salmon. It's fine licking good. Great place for a date. Very romantic. It's also very pricey.

  • Monika Gomez

    Monika Gomez


    My all-time-favorite restaurant in DR. Lovely and romantic setting in the inside of a natural cave. Decorated to make you feel at home. Great service, great food. You could never go wrong when you chose to come here for a quite and romantic time with your better half.

  • Jose A

    Jose A


    Eating in the cave is a must. There are some historical artifacts scattered around. Cool stuff. But the food. It was beyond amazing. The Salmon was one of the best I've ever had. The Goat (chivo), I can't speak more highly of that dish. I won't leave the island without having it again. I'm so full right now.

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    John P


    If you are anywhere near this place go! Dress nice and be ready to be impressed. We ordered 2 apps and 4 different meals with different meats and seafood and a soup. All were amazing. Yes the wine is a little overpriced (about 20% more for restaurant price)and I could care less because the food prices amd atmosphere made up for that and then some. Cheers.

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