General Directorates of Immigration and Passports i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikGeneral Directorates of Immigration and Passports



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Esq. Heroes de Luperon, Autopista 30 de Mayo, 10401, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-508-2555
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4447108, Longitude: -69.926624

kommentar 5

  • Sandra Vichuk

    Sandra Vichuk


    I would like to write a good review about the process of renewing my temporary residence. Unlike previous times, now I did everything online: I bought a certificado de no antecedentes penales and insurance for repatriation. I uploaded all the documents online to the Migracion website and after 5 days arrived for the documents. I had to wait 2 hours in the first line and 2 hours for the payment. But I received the residence on the same day (VIP service costs 1000 pesos). Then I renewed my cedula in Junta Electoral in Veron (Punta Cana). So I can say that I was pleasantly surprised by the good and fast service in the Migracion, at least the process of renewing the residence - I did everything online, quickly and conveniently.

  • en

    heroditus ovid


    It has been 6 years since i was last in this building. Not a lot has changed. Back then the only way to get anything done was with a generous supply of bribe money both for the staff and the lawyers. That is no longer in evidence. I went for a simple renewal, and to avoid the usual 6 plus hours i filed all my papers ahead of time and paid, so all i needed was a photo taken in the building, and my residency card issued. On arrival, the first thing you notice is a total lack of signage to direct you to one of the 12 windows, some of which might be manned. i was told i could not have my facial photo taken because i wasn't wearing long pants, go figure!!! "Luckily" a staff member rented me a pair of pants for 200 pesos, (some things never change). 2 and a half hours later i had my photo taken. Why so long. Well this office that processes every foreigner in the country has precisely one camera linked to 1 computer and one machine to process the residency cards, which you then sign for in a diary. They can process an maximum of two people at a time, with one waiting for the other to finish after the technician has read the file that everyone has read and signed off on already at least 7 times. Whomever is in charge of this joke Department really needs to get a real job, instead of making dress regulations, and allowing his uniformed Brownshirts to strut around like peacocks.

  • Joseph Lara

    Joseph Lara


    Despite all the advances made , they still slow, caotic, redundant, imposible to contact on line ( since their email is bad) phones lines is useless, employees having meals during work and not before, hence the ling delays, parking? A nightmare!!!!

  • Cesar Vasquez

    Cesar Vasquez


    Doesn't get any worse than this, I'll just save the explanation and let the 1 star speak for itself.

  • Ramon Tilanus

    Ramon Tilanus


    As good as a government office can be. It's clean and there are snacks available. The computer system goes down once in a while which prolongs the process.. Not much to do about that.

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