Gold's Gym i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikGold's Gym


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209, Calle Francisco Prats Ramírez, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-549-4321
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4641296, Longitude: -69.939075

kommentar 5

  • en

    stephanie rodriguez reyes


    Nice place

  • en

    Yerfri Guzmán


    Nice, big and a lot of machines and a lot of programs for exercise

  • Leonardo Encarnacion

    Leonardo Encarnacion



  • Noel Rúa Matos

    Noel Rúa Matos


    Great atmosphere, a lot of workout equipments, is so big it almost never feels crowded. 4 stars because it could be cleaner.

  • Enmanuel Ortega

    Enmanuel Ortega


    It's a nice place where you can exercise yourself. There are many machines but the problem is that is too much expensive in comparison with gym in the US and some other part of the world, where you have a pool, sauna, basketball court, tennis court and so on for a cheaper place. But it has a lot of machines to exercise. There are some trainer each floor, but just 2 of them in the entire building are really interested and say something if you are doing something wrong. They should be more kind because they are there to help everybody.

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