Hotel Antiguo Europa i Santo Domingo

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Calle Arzobispo Meriño, 10212, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-285-0005
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4768921, Longitude: -69.8848566

kommentar 5

  • en

    Anil Reddy


    Too noisy till about 4:00 AM. Hotel plays music on roof till 2:00 AM; so on the 3rd floor, you can hear the thump from the bass. Same problem from street music for 1st and 2nd floors. No hot water. Took 2 days to fix in a 3 day stay. Not the place to stay if are wanting a good night's sleep.

  • en

    A C


    Perfect location, nice service. Small, nice small hotel in the centre of Zona Colonial.

  • Johnny Ortiz

    Johnny Ortiz


    Great great location. Close to a lot of venues. Breakfast included. WiFi was a little slow sometimes. Friendly staff. Will book again.

  • Priscilla Stilwell

    Priscilla Stilwell


    This was a horrible experience, and we're not even through our first night. My husband and I saved to be able to get away from our jobs in Haiti for a few days over Christmas. We reserved 4 days. But lo and behold, the reservation showed only 3 days. No problem, because they are happy to charge us for another day. However, what they neglected to inform us of is that they have 27% "tax." Yes, you read that right. I chose this place because we're on a budget, and the prices were enough below the nicer places that it was worth it. But now with the 27% magical increase, we're paying the same price for this place as for prices being advertised by some much nicer hotels/resorts. Their response to my issues? Shrugging and informing me that if we don't stay here, they'll charge me for a full night . . . including the 27%. Now the place. It's cute, but run down. Paint doesn't hide the structural weaknesses. There's essentially no security, if that's a concern. And apparently no communication, as the (very nice, it turns out) housekeeper barged into our room a bit after we arrived, and apologized saying she didn't know we were here. She was gracious enough to direct us to excellent restaurants nearby. I paid an extra $6 for a balcony, thinking it would be a nice place to have breakfast. Are you kidding me? The balcony is slanting precariously towards the street, and even had they provided chairs, there's no possible place to put them on the impossibly narrow balcony. The room is one of the smallest rooms I've ever seen. You have to turn sideways and scoot between the bed and the dresser to get to the balcony. I thought that was it, but then after dinner we came back and I just wanted to take a nice hot shower. Nope. Sorry guys, I guess the 27% tax isn't sufficient to cover the hot water, so I had to take a cold shower. And on top of that, the shower design is deplorable and water got ALL over the bathroom floor. It appears that the drain might be plugged. But stupidly, they put the shower and floor at the same level and the shower doesn't have a door, and the showerhead is too powerful and not only sprays to the other end of the shower, but shoots water out the "door" all over the floor. Trying to make use of the bath mat is a joke. I am generally a very positive person. And I've stayed in some pretty shabby and simple places with no complaint. But I'm mostly upset about the lack of integrity of this place. In their defence, Expedia (who they blamed, rather than apologizing or taking any responsibility) did send a confirmation email. But since I and my husband made the reservation together in the rare moments we were together, I made the foolish assumption that they actually would book for the nights requested, and charge the price listed. Wifi in Haiti is an enormous challenge, and I wasn't able to easily look at the full confirmation prior. But still, there is absolutely NO excuse for these issues.

  • en

    Menas Habib


    They lied to me about the rate and I paid for 2 nights. But the next day at 8:28 pm. was told that it was for one night and i need to pay again for the second night. I don't understand why they didn't tell me before 2 or 3 pm. And I don't understand why they ran out of some breakfast items but could not replace them because it was 33 minutes before it was going to be removed that's what I was told. Anyways the breakfast is a waste of time but the seating is very nice. this hotel is not worth paying more than $50/night including everything. There are many nicer hotels for under $100. Unfortunately not all are listed on Google maps. Kids hight toilet bowl, no consistent hot water, many broken items such as table lamp and bathroom door lock set, broken shower head, water stays on the bathroom floor out side the shower area after a shower. No windows in most of the rooms according to the receptionist.

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