Hotel Villa Taina i Cabarete

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Dominikanske republikHotel Villa Taina



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Cabarete 57000, Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-571-0722
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.750104, Longitude: -70.409859

kommentar 5

  • Edbel Mendoza

    Edbel Mendoza


    All very well, the beach is close, everything is very clean, the reception service is pleasant, the food is regular, just ask the guests the room number to make sure if they are staying and so be able to use the restaurant, they should to look for the way, a bracelet or something to avoid that uncomfortable moment. Otherwise well.

  • Dhon`el The Author

    Dhon`el The Author


    This hotel was amazing! The staff were friendly, the room was great. Just a very beautiful place, not to mention it sits on the beach. The food in the restaurant was delicious, and the drinks at the bar were great and very responsible in price. I know without a doubt where I will be staying when I go back in September.

  • James Whittle

    James Whittle


    So much fun. Great drinks with some really good specials with local fruit cocktails. Runs onto the beach with access to watersports.

  • Al Gonzalez

    Al Gonzalez


    Great small hotel on the beach. Excellent if you're looking for a quiet yet activities full place. Staff was very friendly. A plus, it's close to all night life activities. Walk everywhere. Very safe.

  • Bellaré Amoré Fashions & Convertibles

    Bellaré Amoré Fashions & Convertibles


    This hotel is an amazing boutique hotel. My friend Steve has been coming yearly for 7 years and I have finally joined him. Amazing staff. Spectacular food and drinks and at an affordable cost. Right on the beach. There is a constant breeze. It has got to be the only "air-conditioned" beach I have ever been on. Centrally located with several restaurant choices and a dance club on the strip...a must visit location.....a must try is happy hour at the bar. I've done extensive research..hic.. 😁 on the best drinks and they are here...

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