IKEA i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikIKEA



🕗 åbningstider

Avenida John F. Kennedy, Santo Domingo, DO Dominikanische Republik
kontakter telefon: +1 809-567-4532
internet side: ikea.com.do
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.485146, Longitude: -69.939028

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Montgomery

    Anthony Montgomery


    If you ever been to any Ikea anywhere in the world, then you know that you will have to go through the entire store before you can leave. It's aggravating but very smart marketing. Each time I go there to get something to eat, I inevitably buy something on my way out. The furniture, well it is IKEA furniture. Some of it is good and some of it is not so good. But it's still a great place to go and find some bargains and get something to eat.

  • Escarlen



    Es importante analizar a IKEA desde el punto del "consumismo": te ponen todo bonito para que lo compres, es verdad. Como pasa con la publicidad y con quien quiere vender. Pero, todo el mundo tiene derecho a soñar con una casa ideal. Además, la mayoría de los artículos que venden es para brindar soluciones prácticas. Siempre tienen ofertas y de una forma u otra contribuyen con el reciclaje

  • L D M

    L D M


    Some of the furniture here is not all that of good quality and the prices are kind of high..I guess since the design looks good the jack up the prices..Lamps and other electronics are fair in price so some things make up for other things here. The service is respectable, parking is great. The place it self is well maintained,well organized..its easy to find things. My overall experience here was vey pleasant. My advice to other consumers is to keep an eye out for quality in the furniture department not every thing that looks good will last.

  • de

    Markus Aquino Frias



  • Pascal



    Alles super

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