Kite Club Café i Cabarete

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikKite Club Café



🕗 åbningstider

5, 57000, Cabarete, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 829-678-6485
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.7627355, Longitude: -70.4219556

kommentar 5

  • traveling random

    traveling random


    The best scene for the kitting community in the DR. I've fallen in love with every one of the staff members and I'll really miss them.

  • Aaron Lawrence

    Aaron Lawrence


    Spent 8 days on the beach, Kite Club ladies were so kind and warm, always had a smile and made the healthiest breakfast options .. will be back :)

  • Superior Dive Sosua

    Superior Dive Sosua


    You just can't go wrong... great food at a great price... awesome friendly service... the perfect place to relax & watch the kite surfers... couldn't recommend this place enough... Kite Club is as famous as it comes in Cabarete for Kite Surfing but you should really stop & give the cafe / restaurant a try... believe me once you've tried the food once you will be back again...

  • Luke McGillewie

    Luke McGillewie


    Good food great location amazing kitesurfing!

  • Jenmei Amy

    Jenmei Amy


    Great place for breakfast or lunch. The kite club breakfast (see photo) is awesome after morning surf/kiting session. Their special of the day is always a good deal. I loved the fish with rice and beans. Great place also to chill on their bean bags and watch kiters skate by.

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