Maison Gautreaux i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikMaison Gautreaux


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218, Avenida George Washington, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-412-7838
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4641923, Longitude: -69.8959744

kommentar 5

  • Seuzi Sanchez

    Seuzi Sanchez


    The hotel very well and awesome people

  • Kathy Reyes

    Kathy Reyes


    I only stayed here one night with my bf until I was able to check in to my hotel down the street. This place was sooo low budget but I guess for $26 a night what can you ask for. I wouldn't stay here again. Lot's of prostitutes in and out. There are better places in Gascue.

  • Kenny Batista

    Kenny Batista


    Clean bed, A/C, Back up generator, great price

  • en

    Paul Temple


    Attractive for its price, clean, friendly staff, short taxi ride to old (historic) Santo Domingo, half minute walk to the sea. I've no complaints.

  • en

    James Glass


    I brought a group of 14 people for a week in August 2013, we had 6 rooms. I found the staff to be outstanding, cleanliness great, showers and hot water pretty good and the coffee awesome. There was security each evening so safety was never a question. The only small issues I saw were the card keys some times didn't work, maybe once the water only got warm not hot. That's it! No big deal. They fed us breakfast each morning of toasted ham and cheese sandwiches with 3 types of fruit no small effort because our group was large and usually in a hurry. If we wanted some thing catered they went out of their way to make it happen. They always served us with a smile. I would definitely stay here again. Thank you all for your hard work.

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