Mamma Club i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikMamma Club



🕗 åbningstider

75, Avenida Gustavo Mejía Ricart, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 829-569-6785
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Latitude: 18.475742, Longitude: -69.933794

kommentar 5

  • Stephanie Ruiz

    Stephanie Ruiz


    Overrated! It's a lounge with a cover charge. Would not recommend if your wanting to dance.

  • en

    Markus Welsch


    It was actually better than VIP Room but I would not consider it a club - its rather also a lounge but without a cover fee. The sound system is *REALLY* bad though and lots of waiting time for the change after paying a drink which is 400 RD$ (Tequila Sunrise) with 1000 RD$, which is not very uncommon.

  • en



    If i could give zero stars i would. Came here for our birthday and they charge us 1000 pesos each. The manager said it was because an artist was there, we never saw one. We are black and we're the only ones that had to pay. All the light skinned domincans got in free. We complained and left. Colorism is horrible here save your money dont go. Never again.

  • tafsir diallo

    tafsir diallo


    I went to this club last night with friends. We had couple of drinks (very affordable). The music is good (local in the begining then reggeaton, and international music). The place was Nice and cool people. There's a BUT. Waiters are very pushy, and no one apoligize for stepin on your shoes. After an hour and half, a kind of security guy came to us and asked where are our drinks. We said we already had some. As he doesn't speak english, he pointed the bar and Say to buy drinks or to leave the club. I said no, we're ok. He left and came back 30min later asking the same. I said no again he asked us to leave the club. A lot of people was dancing without drinking but I Guess we were the issue. So he took us to the exit, we left the club. I'm not going back to this club. I hope the management team will improve their way of dealing with customer. We came to party not for binge drinking.

  • Karoly Pujols

    Karoly Pujols


    Good service. A very modern and exclusive place in town!

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