Masjid Al Nour i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikMasjid Al Nour


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66, Avenida Francia, 10201, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-686-2492
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4757083, Longitude: -69.903729

kommentar 5

  • Grace Regalado

    Grace Regalado


    bathrooms aren't as clean as they should be.

  • qudrah mohammed

    qudrah mohammed


    Best location

  • Araby Abouzeid

    Araby Abouzeid


    The Only one in Santo Domingo, bit it’s location is central and easily accessible. Jumma, Friday is at 1:30 P. There is a doorbell outside the door on your Right hand side. Just Incase if you arrived there and the door is closed, ring the bell. Very clean, well kept and has all what you need. Staff are very nice and friendly.

  • Faiq Gul

    Faiq Gul


    First Masjid in Caribbean, founded by a native Libyan and Lebanese whom have resided in Dominican Republic since long. in 2001 there was a huge influx of Pakistani and Indian Students studying medicine in UNIBE. Which is a few blocks away on the same street.By 2005, the students were gone. not many still go ther to study. A Great incentive for Muslims residing in that country. May the almighty bless the founders of such a rare and great institutions. Please donate as much as u can. There are lots of native Dominicans whom have accepted Islam, and some depend on the Masjid for support. I was there and know the people. It does lots of good for local Muslims.

  • en

    Mike Miranda


    nice place

nærmeste Moske

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