Summit Trampoline Park i Santo Domingo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikSummit Trampoline Park



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Sambil Avenida John F. Kennedy Santo Domingo Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo 10413, Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 829-956-7570
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4826662, Longitude: -69.9123439

kommentar 5

  • en

    Freddy Antonio Ramirez Gil


    It's a lot of fun for those who like jumping. I enjoyed myself a lot.

  • Eduardo J López Morin

    Eduardo J López Morin


    God lace yo bring the kids to play and do something different

  • en

    Maria Lopez


    The trampoline park is super fun. You usually pay for an hour at a time. Wish it was cheaper. Hate that you have to buy their socks at least once and that teenagers need to be registered by an adult. Registration is tedious.

  • Edwin Torres

    Edwin Torres


    It's a great place to go and do something different. The facilities are new. The lockers have to be paid for.

  • Pedro Sánchez

    Pedro Sánchez


    The place is great and really fun, there's no other place like it in Santo Domingo, it's also great for bringing your kids. My issue with the place is the staff, specially the ones in front desk, they seem tired and sick of being there all the time, thus makes me feel very unwelcome. Not to mention the place ain't cheap. If you make it past front desk you'll enjoy the place, or you'll end up leaving mad at the staff.

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