Blue JackTar Hotel i Puerto Plata

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Dominikanske republikBlue JackTar Hotel



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Playa Dorada, Puerto Plata 57000, Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-320-3800
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.7718427, Longitude: -70.6505851

kommentar 5

  • Adam Thwaits

    Adam Thwaits


    Just stayed on the beach for a day off a cruise. Lovely place

  • Geoff Sutcliffe

    Geoff Sutcliffe


    Very chic. Only downside was pathetic internet access, which kills business (maybe a good thing... the beach and pool and restaurant need to be visited!).

  • Fedor Selivanov

    Fedor Selivanov


    Water is full of grass and is not super clean. But overall very nice free beach with chairs and umbrellas offered without a surcharge. Bar and small local market are inexpensive. Easily accessible from cruise terminal. All in all a good place to relax for few hours.

  • Alexander De Dragon

    Alexander De Dragon


    This is a very friendly hotels in the area. The buildings are rustic and cleaned daily. The staff that we interacted with were magnificent and helpful. The food was normal, something for everyone. Entertainment was a mix bag and interesting. After show interaction with the entertainment staff was very welcome to me as we get to experience a snippet of their lives. The reception, beach, dining rooms, maids, cleaners,pool attendants, management, they all tried to make your holiday special. The beach very clean and well maintained. Long walks are very interesting and easy to do. This hotel has a casino. This is easy reach to the commercial centre for those who want to hunt a bargain.

  • Teresa Baker

    Teresa Baker


    Absolutely gorgeous!!! The beach access area was amazing! There were nice beach chairs and beautiful each beds with the white curtains. The beach was VERY CLEAN and not littered. They were doing AMAZING massages on the beach for $20-$30 and manicures and pedicures. I can't wait to go back to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.

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