Piergiorgio Palace Hotel i Sosúa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikPiergiorgio Palace Hotel


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21, La Puntilla, 57000, Sosúa, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-571-2626
internet side: www.hotelpiergiorgio.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 19.7625796, Longitude: -70.5193105

kommentar 5

  • richard schut

    richard schut


    Reopend by the son from peregiorgio,Claudio. sea front, amazing sunset view, very inexpensive price for the rooms and at the moment a small privat beach

  • Solar



    I stay there in February—- not a bad place and it’s worth the money.. right off the beach and room was kept clean

  • Tom Murray

    Tom Murray


    Pleasant staff, always helpful. Close to town. Beautiful views!

  • Lester Juhasz

    Lester Juhasz


    We had an excellent time with guests and staff. The staff was amazing and caring. The million dollar view is unmatched. The hotel is beautiful and breath taking with all the spectacular views and the amazing architecture of the resort. Placed on a quiet dead end st. Mins from everything and yet secluded from the hustle and traffic. We just returned home Monday and miss everyone already. Excellent choice for any special event one may plan. I am already planning on our 30th Anniversary event there next August. Thank you Alex and everyone for a remarkable stay. Additional note: we've stayed in Sosua area for.the last 5 yes and this by far was our best stay. Lazlo😎

  • Luis Rivas

    Luis Rivas


    Great location great value. On the beach near the centre of action. Quiet clean.. Friendly staff Friendly owners very well organised A 10 out of 10

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