Mitre i Santo Domingo

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Avenida Gustavo Mejía Ricart, Santo Domingo, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-472-1787
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4752011, Longitude: -69.9353262

kommentar 5

  • socrates alvarez

    socrates alvarez


    Buenos tragos, servicio y comida. It gets a little bit crowded on Fridays and Saturdays but that's to be expected.

  • en

    Daniel Feuereissen


    Went there today to pick up some take-out for dinner. Ordered the nut Ravioli as well as the crispy chicken Alfredo. Overall, the wait was acceptable and the staff was friendly and helpful. Food quality however was mediocre at best. The Ravioli seemed to be home made and tasted alright, but the mushroom sauce was a bit greasy and lacking of flavor which one would expect given a mushroom cream sauce. The crispy chicken Alfredo was of poor quality. Both, the chicken as well as pasta tasted like old, rancid frying oil. I am not a picky eater and dislike wasting food, but I could not finish it. I did not enjoy it and am hoping to avoid an upset stomach. For a place that positions itself in the $$$ category, this is unacceptable. Won't return and go eat at Loretta's instead.

  • Anna Garant

    Anna Garant


    Very nice sophisticated place. The drinks are amazing and very creative and the food is very fresh and delightful

  • en

    P S


    Very nice restaurant with nice inside and outside space. The Lavacake desert is amazing and the main dishes all look fantastic! Great for food and drinks. Can easily spend 3 hours for a 3 course meal and the staff were never pushy or in a rush. Great experience and given the quality of the food the prices are reasonable. Friday night is a great place to sit outside for a few drinks. Very trendy Friday night spot. Highly recommended!!!

  • Nadia Rodriguez

    Nadia Rodriguez


    Food and service are really good. I really liked their tuna tartare and sangria. I recommend making a reservation, specially if you want to be seated outside - probably the best terrace in the city. They have live music some nights during the week - I would call and confirm when exactly not to miss it.

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