Cabarete Surf Camp i Cabarete

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Dominikanske republikCabarete Surf Camp


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11, ProCab Calle B, 57000, Cabarete, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 829-548-6655
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.7489728, Longitude: -70.4021072

kommentar 5

  • James Whittle

    James Whittle


    Fun room styles and easy living vibe. Helpful and friendly staff. Great food at a good price. Very helpful knowledge of the area and assisting with water sports desires(surfing, kite boarding, foiling, paddle boards etc.)

  • flowers winter

    flowers winter


    Nice and quiet for be with the family or meeting with friends ..just love it

  • Erin Thompson

    Erin Thompson


    Great food! Being celiac, they were able to accommodate our needs with gluten free options. We'll be back!

  • Luca Lovagnini

    Luca Lovagnini


    The place is great, with very cheap private rooms and great infrastructures (the floating platform in the middle of the laguna is very nice) and good food. The owner, Antonio, speaks 5 language and is a great host. The only downside are the surf lessons: in the 3 surf camps where I've been before, these were the worse ones, where the teacher (Roberto) was not taking much care of my progresses and didn't put much effort. If you need lessons, I would not suggest this camp (or asking for another teacher than Roberto).

  • Stanislav Shmakov

    Stanislav Shmakov


    Great place to change the scenery of the beach, and grab a dinner in a jungle setting. Place, best known for it's delicious churasco, offers a selection of simple yet delicious food options both meet and seafood. It also offers hostel-like accommodations, which should work great for young crowd and travellers on a budget. There is a pool, trampoline, and a few hangout areas with hammocks and stuff.

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