Kite Beach Inn i Cabarete

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikKite Beach Inn



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5 Cabarete, Cabarete 57000, Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-490-5517
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.762564, Longitude: -70.422407

kommentar 5

  • Rubén Lulo Ramos

    Rubén Lulo Ramos


    Good service, friendly people, overall a very nice experience. Would recommend.

  • Angiel 00

    Angiel 00


    Great experience really good prices definitely coming back!

  • Anja Harbitz

    Anja Harbitz


    Very cozy and familyfriendly hotel. Right on the beach where u can do lovely walks in the morning and kite in the afternoon. Friendly staff, all kinds of rooms and appartments in different price and luxuryclass, very quiet and private. In the evening u can chill by the pool or close to the beach and listen to the waves, very relaxing. Also there are a local and cheap place to eat just across the street with amazing food, and also many nice restaurants around. Recommended, I always stay here!

  • Scott Woolums

    Scott Woolums


    Nice, inexpensive, good access to Kite Beach for kitesurfing. Perfect!

  • Pavol Mocko

    Pavol Mocko


    Great place to come by kite eat socialize and have a great time in general.. Stuff is helpfull and well behived.. Great place to learn kitting as they have very experienced and multicultural kitting instructors from all kins of backrounds..

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