Camp David Ranch Restaurant i Santiago De Los Caballeros

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Dominikanske republikCamp David Ranch Restaurant



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Carretera Gregorio Luperón, Santiago De Los Caballeros 51000, Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-276-6400
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.5123116, Longitude: -70.6363379

kommentar 5

  • Raphaelina Rodríguez G.

    Raphaelina Rodríguez G.


    The view here is breath taking, food is amazing and is a very nice place to share with anyone and everyone. It’s a bit pricey yet worth it.

  • Merlyn Luciano

    Merlyn Luciano


    The most amazing view of Santiago. Food was superb drinks were excellent. A must go to when you're in Dominican Republic.

  • Joseph P

    Joseph P


    Good food and good views. Air definitely feels cleaner than the city. Rooms are nice but no pool.

  • Craig Seabrooks

    Craig Seabrooks


    Great service. The food was delicious. It was a bit chilly where we were sitting, but it was OK. I was impressed that they brought the steaks out on heated grills. But you should order rare if you get that since it will continue to cook. The wine they brought out was one that worked for everyone's taste which is hard to do. But they nailed it! Great job! The view is special!!!! You WILL take some twists and turns to get there, but it is worth it!

  • Boaty McBoatface

    Boaty McBoatface


    Pricey? Yes. Good quality? Definitely. View? Astonishing. Desserts? Meh; in other words, go for the food, enjoy the view, but the strawberry cheesecake was a c+ at best. Does that take from the experience? I'd still give it 5 stars, just avoid the disappointment of getting a dessert.

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