Hodelpa Garden Court i Santiago De Los Caballeros

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Dominikanske republikHodelpa Garden Court


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1, 51000, Santiago De Los Caballeros, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-612-7000
internet side: www.hodelpa.com
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Latitude: 19.3993303, Longitude: -70.6293009

kommentar 5

  • Julio Pichardo

    Julio Pichardo


    Very good accomodations and great staff and service.

  • Derek Blaylock

    Derek Blaylock


    This is a nice hotel and the staff is very friendly,They have a very nice place for dining in the lobby area is fairly clean. My room was very nice and the bathroom was clean but the walls are very thin you can hear all of the noises from your neighbors also in the rooms there is no microwave. There is a refrigerator in the room but you cannot use it because it is full of stuff to sell you And it is very expensive. During my stay I did not order room service but at checkout I was charged 28% for extra services which increase The cost of my room about almost $250 and when I asked what the extra services were there was no explanation toward the breakdown of the costs. I reserve my room online and I received my price and they found a way to drive the price up but this is what they do to Americans visiting, I will never go back And if you can find somewhere else to stay I would advise try someplace different, Be aware of the extra charges at 28%

  • Martin Hunt

    Martin Hunt


    I had a great experience here. Room was very clean, comfortable and silent. Great black out curtains great sleep. Service was excellent, usable gym, pool is nice and the breakfast was very good quality. Recommended

  • haortiz5



    Very clean and staff is super friendly. Equivalent comfort and amenities experience as staying at Marriot/Hilton brand hotel.

  • Kyle Dewey

    Kyle Dewey


    Overall it’s a nice looking property. Beds are fairly comfortable. However, if you want to actually sleep I would try somewhere else. The walls are paper thin and you can hear “inside voices” from every direction as if they’re in the room with you. While the property is nice, it’s definitely not worth what they charge and I would not recommend it here.

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