Sana El Jardin Secreto i Santiago De Los Caballeros

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Dominikanske republikSana El Jardin Secreto



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#48 Calle Espalliat, Tamboril, Santiago De Los Caballeros 51000, Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 585-451-8239
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.487398, Longitude: -70.63838

kommentar 5

  • Francisco Morel

    Francisco Morel


    It is a bit expensive, though it is in a tourist area

  • Frank Fernandez

    Frank Fernandez


    Clean,location ,staff, service, and best price in santiago.

  • Luis Jerez

    Luis Jerez


    Very nice place to spend quiet time with the family, or just by yourself. Hot water is no issue, rooms have either a/c, fan, or both. I rented the 3bdr home with beds for 10 people (4 bunk beds and one queen size in the main room upstairs). Two bathrooms. Plenty of space on the terrace and around the property. It is approx 15-20 minutes from the city center. We had pizza delivered to us for dinner, and Noemi (the lady who helps out) will cook breakfast for us (for a fee) and clean the property for us (please tip her, especially if you did not attempt to clean. She said she would still clean, but I still tipped her, you are in vacation, so I know you have at least $10 to spare). Children have plenty of secured space to run around, there are beautiful gardens, a friendly cat and dog, a basketball area, and a dominoes table. Like any other place, there are minor things that may be reason for some to complain about, but if you focus on the good things, and the fact that this is a foreign country, you will be fine. We did not use the small pool area. Coming into the property looks as if you may be lost or at the wrong place, just read the signs and drive on.

  • Emily Schultz

    Emily Schultz


    This place is awesome! Peter and Eric took such excellent care of us while we were there. They speak English beautifully and Peter drove us wherever we wanted to go. He was always up for adventure - and oh so accommodating! We used WhatsApp to communicate. Peter even picked us up from the airport when we arrived. He helped some of the girls get DR SIM cards for their phones so they wouldn’t have to pay for an international plan. It was also super inexpensive to stay on such beautiful grounds. We walked outside the gates and met the neighbors. One even cooked us a meal in her outdoor kitchen. There is also a little bodega outside the gate, with a few items like bagged snacks, cold drinks, liquor, some fresh veggies, laundry soap, sugar, etc. Everyone was so friendly. We always felt safe. WiFi works 24/7. Fridge only works half the time. But, food stays cold with doors closed. AC only works half the time. But, it was never too hot (Our trip was in August). Fans always work. And there are fans in all of the rooms. Noami can do your laundry or even cook you a meal for a small fee. She is so sweet - and accommodating. I hope to come back here every year. I can’t imagine staying anywhere else. So much love at SANA. Definitely recommend!!!

  • J.Kraig Smyth

    J.Kraig Smyth


    Quirky. Nice gathering areas and shelters to hang out in with friends and family. Family atmosphere. Great staff. Communal layout.

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