Multicentro La Sirena El Embrujo i Santiago De Los Caballeros

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Dominikanske republikMulticentro La Sirena El Embrujo



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Autopista Duarte & Av Rafael Vidal, Santiago De Los Caballeros 51000, Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-233-1010
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.443753, Longitude: -70.6700536

kommentar 5

  • Luis Diaz

    Luis Diaz


    Nice megastore. You can probably find most needed for your home here.

  • Trudy Bekker

    Trudy Bekker


    This is one of the four Multicentros La Sirena. This one is situated on the SouthEast side if Santiago. It is a busy place throughout the week, especially after work hours and in the weekends. It is a departmental store with all departments on the same level, except for the restaurant and the toilets. It has a very large parking space one one side only, so if you park far it is a bit of a walk to shop here. The restaurant is self-service and quick. The food is good and not too expensive. It also offers small units for telephone services, banks and a variety of other small stores.

  • Samuel López

    Samuel López


    Nice place with all included. Banks, Clothing shopping, grocery shopping, ice cream and more

  • Stephan W

    Stephan W


    Great place to find lots of household items and groceries. Like a Walmart in the US.

  • Jose Ramon Peña

    Jose Ramon Peña


    Biutiful supermarket and quality merchandale only need to has internet to the public

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