National Supermarket Paseo Santiago i Santiago De Los Caballeros

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Dominikanske republikNational Supermarket Paseo Santiago



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Avenida Juan Pablo Duarte, 51000, Santiago De Los Caballeros, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-241-7089
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.4576118, Longitude: -70.6755495

kommentar 5

  • Ing. Joan Alemany N.

    Ing. Joan Alemany N.


    Beside the supermarket, lots of stores and shops. Great place to do errands

  • Gamal Liranzo Tavarez

    Gamal Liranzo Tavarez


    Great place to do some shopping with a high quality stuff. Highly recommend

  • k blois

    k blois


    Very nice and tidy. Easy to find what you are looking for. Very good service.

  • Martin Mena

    Martin Mena


    My experience at this place has been mostly pleasant yet the purchase of ice bags is a somewhat impractical process.

  • Inno Sen

    Inno Sen


    The National supermarket is one chain store which has nationwide in the DR the more better places in each big city. They offer you all the necessary daily products for your household and a little bit more. The place in Santiago has a little bit more around: all the bancos have branches overthere and there is also a large store of furniture and household stuff with fine books too. Nevertheless the parking lot is great and has good access from main street and back street too, during night shopping all places have good and full light! If you're living for longer time in the DR you will like these well illuminated place in a big city full of crime.

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