PriceSmart i Santiago De Los Caballeros

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikPriceSmart



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No.21, Avenida Salvador Estrella Sadhalá, 51000, Santiago De Los Caballeros, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-336-1999
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.4395894, Longitude: -70.6869533

kommentar 5

  • Lilly Garcia

    Lilly Garcia


    It was perfectly fine. Just like any Costco or Sam's. The pizza was delicious. Some of the prices are OUTRAGEOUS though... like way too expensive. Good luck!

  • Keiris Alcantara

    Keiris Alcantara


    Went to get pizza for a family night. Not bad service, could have some improvements tho. Kinda unnecessary the asking for "PriceSmart card or you won't get inside *in a* rude employee tone policy" ☺️ pizza was gd and cheap.. whoaa whoaa!

  • Rubí Peralta Batista

    Rubí Peralta Batista


    Is cool you can buy diferent things and you can eat delicious food

  • Christian Streicher

    Christian Streicher


    Good place to shop not all prices are smart but I like to go there. Workers are very helpful and the donuts are great and affordable. Do not care for the chicken or pizza average quality.

  • Cleverson Faria

    Cleverson Faria


    Very accessible location. Most of the staff are very helpful. Prices are reasonable, some products are very expensive and others are a big deal. You do need a card from them to go in, like a membership. Very similar with Sam's club or Costco. All cards are acceptable to payment. They have a good area also, but do not expect great things, although the food is good, but slow in services. They, also, have another store beside for shoes.

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