Supermercado Playero i Sosúa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dominikanske republikSupermercado Playero



🕗 åbningstider

Pedro Clisante, 57000, Sosúa, DO Dominican Republic
kontakter telefon: +1 809-571-1821
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 19.762756, Longitude: -70.5150209

kommentar 5

  • Angela Isla

    Angela Isla


    The prices can be a bit high but there are quality products sold here.

  • Alex W Aristy H

    Alex W Aristy H


    Excellent prices, superb customer service & wide range of options.

  • H A Whyte

    H A Whyte


    Good resource for pet supplies in a country where it can be hard finding stuff. Although, as per DR, once an item has gone from the shelf, you can never be quite certain if and when it will return.

  • Christie Barnhorst

    Christie Barnhorst


    Good hardware and housewares. Lots of health and beauty items. Fresh produce, meat counter. Beer, wine, liquor... Just about anything can be found here.

  • Trudy Bekker

    Trudy Bekker


    This supermarket is favorite for both the locals and the tourists. They have a great variety of articles and have been expanding their space both inside and their parking space over the years. They even carry articles from Europe that you cannot find in other large cities like Santiago or Santo Domingo.

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